Clean Air for All Now (CAFA-now) was organized to educate and inform the public about Toxic Air Pollutants from the Intel plant in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Intel's dangerous emissions are being released into residential neighborhoods where residents have reported terrible odors and related illnesses for almost 40 years.
CAFA-now will share data, studies, articles, testimonies, and pertinent information through news media, cafanow.com, email, change.org, and a variety of social media platforms. We will continually communicate with and obtain the best available information from governmental agencies, politicians, private non-profit organizations, technical and healthcare sources, and Intel. And we are undertaking a continuous effort to identify and measure the airborne chemicals that Intel is emitting.

We acknowledge the importance of Intel to our local, state, and national economies and to national security. Nevertheless, CAFA-now’s goal remains to hold Intel accountable for the chemicals they release into the air that all who live near the plant must breathe 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
We are very concerned about the 75,000 people living near the Intel plant - particularly infants and young children, the elderly, and those with chronic medical conditions who are most vulnerable to developing serious illnesses from exposure to these pollutants.
The Environmental Protection Agency and the New Mexico Environment Department have done nothing concrete to protect communities near the Intel plant from these dangerous chemicals. As Intel retools its plant to produce a new generation of computer chips but without a more enhanced approach to abatement, their toxic emissions will only increase.
We invite all who are concerned to join our efforts, inform your neighbors, and consider a tax-deductible donation. Help us as we try to protect everyone who is being exposed to these dangerous chemicals by convincing Intel to improve its emissions abatement.
The Intel plant in Rio Rancho spews toxic fumes above a residential neighborhood in Corrales, NM. A house is for sale just down from the plant; sellers must disclose the risks of living here to potential buyers.

This aerial photo shows the dense residential development surrounding the Intel NM plant.